I haven't been keeping up with my reading as well as I could have been this year, and I have fallen four books behind on my Goodreads challenge, so I really need to step up my game. I'll record my progress throughout the week in the one big masterpost, and update it every day (or as often as possible) so stick around if you wanna!
✰ DAY ONE (Monday, July 24th)
- Of Fire and Stars by Audrey Coulthurst - 67 pages (66-133)
- Hamilton: The Revolution by Lin-Manuel Miranda & Jeremy McCarter - 160 pages (1-160)
- Pages Read Today: 227 pages
- Total Pages Read: 227 pages
- Commentary: I had already begun reading Of Fire and Stars before the ReadAThon began, but my reread for Hamilton: The Revolution came out of left field. It hadn't been in my original plans, but I've been in such a Hamilton mood lately that I felt compelled to reread it, and lucky I did! Unlike last time, I actually listened to the songs as I read them, and both of those things combined just add such a depth to the music? I'm enjoying it a lot!
✰ DAY TWO (Tuesday, July 25th)
- Of Fire and Stars by Audrey Coulthurst - 72 pages (134-206)
- Hamilton: The Revolution by Lin-Manuel Miranda & Jeremy McCarter - 126 pages (161-286)
- Pages Read Today: 198
- Total Pages Read: 425
- Commentary: I finished Hamilton: The Revolution today, and it was just as moving and inspiring as the first time I read it (and the first fifteen times I listened to the musical...shh). It truly is a work of art, and I'm only slightly envious that I'll never be able to write something as good as it. The other part of me is just glad that the musical was shared with the world.
✰ DAY THREE (Wednesday, July 26th)
- Of Fire and Stars by Audrey Coulthurst - 108 pages (207-315)
- Pages Read Today: 108
- Total Pages Read: 533
- Commentary: Man, this book is really getting good! It's sweeping, mysterious, romantic, tense, gritty, and epic all rolled in to one novel. It's written in such a way that it feels like so much has happened already in these 300 pages, and the stakes just keep getting higher. There's only around 70 pages left, so I'm planning to try and finish this one tomorrow - a feat which will prove easy if the ending is just as compelling as the rest of the book.
✰ DAY FOUR (Thursday, July 27th)
- Of Fire and Stars by Audrey Coulthurst - 21 pages (316-337)
- Pages Read Today: 21
- Total Pages Read: 554
- Commentary: Yeah... it was a bit of a "Reading Slump" sort of day, I suppose. I didn't get much reading done, but I'm going to try to aim for finishing Of Fire and Stars tomorrow since there's only around fifty pages left!
- Of Fire and Stars by Audrey Coulthurst - 51 pages (338-389)
- Tokyo Heist by Diana Renn - 60 pages (1-60)
- Pages Read Today: 111
- Total Pages Read: 665
- Commentary: I finally finished my second book of the Readathon! I really did enjoy Of Fire and Stars, and the main characters were really amazing. I've just barely started Tokyo Heist, and it's a bit harder to get into, but I'm sure I'll grow to love it. I seemed to gain back my reading momentum today, partially due to all the reading sprints I participated on with the BookTubeAThon twitter account! The community there was so great and really kept me motivated.
- Tokyo Heist by Diana Renn - 58 pages (61-119)
- Pages Read Today: 58
- Total Pages Read: 723
- Commentary: Well, I didn't read a ton of pages today, but I think that's okay. Especially because I was visiting with family for the majority of this afternoon and evening (and then, of course, I had to watch some Sherlock and rewatch some of Lost. It was a necessity). I did end up finishing Part One of Tokyo Heist and I'm intrigued to see what happens next. I have some ideas for whodunit, but nothing I'm willing to commit to yet...
- Tokyo Heist by Diana Renn - 253 pages (120-373)
- Pages Read Today: 253
- Total Pages Read: 976
- Commentary: So... I kind of both finished my third book of the ReadAThon and read the most pages in one day out of this entire week? I'm pretty proud of that, even if the sentence proclaiming it wasn't entirely grammatically correct. I did a few more sprints on Twitter, including some 2am ones, which may have contributed to the fact that I felt very in the zone reading-wise today! I will probably have a full wrap-up tomorrow, but for now, I just want to say that I had a blast this ReadAThon and I'm satisfied with my results!