Very quickly, my TBR for this Readathon is as follows:
- Renegades by Marissa Meyer (started on Page 189)
- I began reading this one back in May but I ended up putting it down for some reason. I loved the Lunar Chronicles by this same author, so I really want to give this superhero-themed story another chance!
- Warriors: Fire & Ice by Erin Hunter (started on Page 100)
- So, Warriors was like... my life back in late Elementary school and early Middle school. It was what really sparked my love for reading and writing. Recently, I saw the first book on my shelf (Into the Wild) and reread it, and let me tell you--it still held up! So, naturally, I am continuing my reread.
- Storm Front by Jim Butcher (haven't started reading yet)
- This is the first book in the Dredsen Files, which is my best friend's favorite book series. She's been asking me to read this series for probably five years now, and she recently let me borrow this book in an attempt to finally motivate me into reading it. So read it I shall!
I might end up picking up other books as well, so we will just have to see how much I actually get done and where this Readathon ends up taking me! I haven't participated in one of these for a long while, so I am excited to get back in the swing of things.
- DAY ONE (Thursday, July 11th)
- Renegades - 37 pages (189-226)
- Pages Read Today: 37 pages
- Total Pages Read: 37 pages
- Commentary: So... I got a bit distracted by watching an episode of Sherlock, and then an episode of Once Upon a Time. Also, I played a few games of Yahtzee with my brother and did a lot of reading that was online/without page numbers/not really a book, so I couldn't really count it in my total. But I did make iced peppermint tea, eat lots of ice cream, and continue reading Renegades, so overall it was a productive and relaxing day!
- DAY TWO (Friday, July 12th)
- Renegades - 82 pages (226-308)
- Fire & Ice- 21 pages (100-121)
- Pages Read Today: 103
- Total Pages Read: 140
- Commentary: My goal for today was to break 100 pages overall--and I actually went beyond that, reading 100 pages in one day! It didn't even feel like it, since things had definitely begun to pick up in both of these novels. I was also productive on a couple of other fronts as well, which was nice, and me and my dog went for a little walk by the gardens. My brother and I still had a pizza-icecream-soda party at about 11pm, and (re)watched some Parks and Rec, which was fun!
- DAY THREE (Saturday, July 13th)
- Fire & Ice - 47 pages (121-168)
- Pages Read Today: 47
- Total Pages Read: 187
- Commentary: Sooo… I actually didn't even start reading until after 11pm, when I realized I'd had nothing to show reading-wise for today. Luckily, Fire & Ice is a middle grade, and a quickly-paced one, so I did actually get a fair amount of reading in for today after all!
- DAY FOUR (Sunday, July 14th)
- Renegades - 100 pages (308-408)
- Pages Read Today: 100
- Total Pages Read: 287
- Commentary: No real commentary for today. It was a productive reading day, though! I did do a reading sprint on Twitter and read 72 pages in 45 minutes!
- DAY FIVE (Monday, July 15th)
- Renegades - 144 (408-552)
- Pages Read Today: 144
- Total Pages Read: 431
- Commentary: I did a couple more reading sprints this afternoon. (70 pages in 45 minutes, and 50 pages in 30 minutes. My pages per minute count actually remained fairly consistent!) Also... I finished my first book of the Readathon, Renegades! I liked the ending and it very much read like a television show or a movie. I also have some theories about how things connect, and I'm interested in reading the rest of the series to see if these theories actually pan out! Also, I spent some time in the evening with my Grandma eating ice cream, watching Jeopardy, and playing Uno, which was fun!
- DAY SIX (Tuesday, July 16th)
- Fire & Ice - 27 pages (168-195)
- Pages Read Today: 27
- Total Pages Read: 458
- Commentary: I played D&D with my friends during the evening (which was really fun), but I did not actually read that much today... I am that much closer to finishing another book though! I'm hoping to finish it before the Readathon ends!
- DAY SEVEN (Wednesday, July 17th)
- Fire & Ice - 35 pages (195-230)
- Pages Read Today: 35
- Total Pages Read: 493
- Commentary: Today I spent most of the day cleaning and painting the trim in a rental house... it was more difficult than it sounds! It was an unexpectedly busy day, but I did squeeze in a few chapters of Fire & Ice (as well as a couple episodes of Parks and Rec with my brother!) Tomorrow looks busy too but hopefully I make some solid progress :)