Saturday, October 26, 2019

Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon: Opening Survey

Hello, all! As promised, I am here to participate in Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon for the first time in a year ish? Maybe even more? I'm excited to get back into it all!

Now, for the opening survey:

1) What fine part of the world are you reading from today?

Oregon, United States! <3 

2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to?

The book I'm looking most forward to is continuing on with A Clash of Kings by George R. R. Martin. I read A Game of Thrones earlier this year and it became an instant favorite for my Fantasy-loving self!

3) Which snack are you most looking forward to?

I woke up somewhat late this morning (Around Hour 6 or 7 of the Readathon?) but had a big breakfast with my brother and our other roommate. I'm thinking about taking a little bus trip later to get a milkshake though :) 

4) Tell us a little something about yourself!

I'm a second year University student majoring in Psychology!

5) If you participated in the last read-a-thon, what’s one thing you’ll do different today? If this is your first read-a-thon, what are you most looking forward to? 

Usually I get very into it and try to read for all 24 hours and limit screen time, etc. but I'm going to take it a bit easier this time around and maybe even binge another episode of Critical Role (oops) or hang out in the library with some friends and plan for NaNoWriMo in a few days (yikes! already??) 

Friday, October 4, 2019

Friday Reads [#14] + Some Life (And Blog?) Updates

Hello, everyone! It's still technically Friday here (and will be for the next 21 minutes--lol!) so I thought I'd do something that I haven't done in literal years, which is a little bit of a Friday Reads update post :)


I'm currently reading 2 books at the moment-- Fool Moon (Harry Dresden Files, #2) by Jim Butcher and A Clash of Kings (A Song of Ice and Fire, #2) by George R. R. Martin. The former is a sequel in my best friend's all-time favorite series, so obviously I am obligated to read it. The latter is the sequel to one of my new favorite books of all-time!

To be honest, I've forgotten a bit of my formatting with these posts, and I'm not exactly sure how many people even read them, lol! But anyway, it's nice to have a little record of my thoughts. Currently, the Dresden Files are a bit up in the air for me. My friend did say to read at least until Book 3 until making a judgement (and she lent me Books 2-5 at the same time so... I feel like I am in for a binge-read?) but I just have some problems with the character's view on women in particular. It feels like every woman is sexualized in his eyes, except for like one woman that he deems ugly or something. Additionally, some of the writing and plot points seem a bit sporadic or erratic. But I will of course keep reading and wait until Book 3 to make my judgements, as promised, lol!

I am only on Page 98 of A Clash of Kings, so I am not too far yet, but already there are some wonderful quotes. I also bought this one (or more accurately my dad bought it for me, I guess as something of a parting gift before I began my second year of college!). I also am glad to be continuing with this series since my brother and I have almost finished binge-watching the TV show so it will be nice to see how the book differs. Also, my dad has read the first book after I did, and we had lots of great discussions about it! And contrary to the Dresden Files, it's nice to have a Fantasy author that writes women well. (In my opinion.)


Or, more accurately at the moment, Obsession. I am currently listening to the Critical Role podcast, and I'm on Episode 30 of Campaign 2 and aaah! I love it so much. I've really gotten into the characters and the story, and I like how the cast all seem like such wonderful friends as well. There's a perfect balance of gravity and wit. I do feel a bit daunted by all the catching up I have to do (there are 79 ~3.5 hour episodes thus far... wish me luck lol). I don't normally listen to podcasts, because I am so easily distracted or get bored too quickly without anything else to do, but it helps that a video version is offered and overall I'm really loving it! Just thought I'd give a quick little shout-out since this has quickly consumed my life :)


I've moved back to college and into my own apartment (shared with my brother and another roommate) after spending the summer with my parents and other brothers. It's been nice to see my friends again even if I do very much miss my dog! (It was National Black Dog Day the other day and I especially missed my baby girl, a black lab, then <3) 

Also, I've been thinking more about my ultimate career plans as well. I am a Psychology Major (potentially will be majoring in Elementary Education, or at least minoring in it) and I am not sure if I want to be a therapist, or a teacher, or a school counsellor, or even a librarian. (Or someday fulfill my dream goal of owning a book café by the sea, but I doubt that would ever happen.) I'm just feeling rather lost and guilty about being lost when I'm spending so much money and working so hard just to be here at university. But I'm going to remain hopeful that someday this will all be worth it! 

Finally, NaNoWriMo is (somewhat?) around the corner! I'm still not sure how I feel about the new site design, so I don't think I will be as active over there as I used to be, but that's okay, it will just leave even more time for writing! I'm torn between three ideas--the fourth and final book in my all-female Fantasy series, the first book in a new Fantasy series, or a standalone/potential first book in our world but with ghosts in like, just one particular town. I have the characters very fleshed out for all of them which I am excited about but I still have some plot stuff to work out, since I have found out (after about six years of serious writing and five finished novels) that I am very much not a pantser. Whoops?

I know I mentioned Blog Stuff in the title--I am thinking of rebranding and potentially taking this whole thing more seriously? Revamping my layout, coming up with a new name, taking things more seriously, and maybe even switching to a whole fresh new place. I haven't decided yet, but it's in the cards and a possibility, so I just thought I'd throw that out there as a very advance warning(?) 

Also, quick note! I will be participating in Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon this October 26th. (If all goes according to plan!) so be prepared for many blog posts throughout the day as I have in the past!!! I'm very hyped. 

Anyway, that's all that's been happening with me! I guess it's been somewhat exciting by my standards, and I am very very happy that it's Autumn--my favorite season! I am more than ready for the rain and fog, the beautifully colored leaves falling from the many trees around campus, wearing boots and sweaters and jeans, drinking my Pumpkin Spice Chai or my mint tea, and of course months of reading and writing. 

Until next time, happy reading!