Friday, July 3, 2015

Friday Reads [#05] + 100th Post

As stated in the title, this is my 100th post on this blog! It's not a huge milestone, I know, but I was rather excited when I realized what number this was! I don't have anything super special to say or do for my 100th post, though.

Now, onto this week's Friday Reads!

Currently, I'm reading Brisingr by Christopher Paolini, which is book four in the Inheritance Cycle. I am 500 pages through this one! I have ~250 to go still, and it's a bit of an on-again-off-again thing with this book. There are times when it moves suuuper sloooowly, and times when I can't put it down. I have mixed feelings but so far it's my least favorite of the series. But this may be due to a reading slump I may be coming into.

I'm also reading Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte and I'm really liking this one! Usually I'm not a huge fan of classics because they're either boring to me or I don't understand them, but this one just clicks with me. I am halfway through right now and can't wait to read more!

This week in the life of me...

-I got a new book on my Kindle! It was free on Amazon. It's called The Medium by C. J. Archer and the first time I read it was on Wattpad but now I can re-read it anytime I'd like!

-Camp NaNoWriMo started! My book is not what I thought it would be. I've written 7,260 words as of today and it's more of a murder mystery with urban fantasy/supernatural elements than the pure urban fantasy I was expecting? I'm still not sure how I'm liking it, so if I don't like it, I'll wrap it up quick as a novella instead of a full-length novel.

-My brother got his driver's permit! He turned 15 this... was it Monday? I think it was Monday, and he passed the test on his second try so he's been driving everywhere lately. I'm slightly older than him but I don't have my permit yet.

-I re-watched Lion King 1 1/2 with my neighbors. It was a great laugh, though we had difficulty deciding on a movie in the first place.

And coming up this week...

-I'm off to California to visit family and I guess just hang out? We'll be gone until the 16th.

-Fourth of July! We never do any fireworks or anything, but you know? Yay for USA?

What are you doing this week? Happy reading!

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