Saturday, April 28, 2018

Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon: Hour 6

Hour: A bit past Hour 6
Currently Reading Just Finished:

Pages Read Since Last Update: 56
Total Pages Read: 164
Time Read Since Last Update:
38 minutes
Total Time Read:
2 hours, 03 minutes
Comments: It's been a good morning so far! I just finished my first book of the Readathon -- One Dark Throne. Granted, I had started reading it before the Readathon began, but the conclusion was hooking and I had difficulty setting it down -- even for my breakfast (which was waffles with syrup, yum!) (Also, for those interested, I finally figured out the scholarship thing so looks like I'm keeping it after all. Phew!) I'm going to write up a quick review on Goodreads and then dive into my second book of the Readathon. 


  1. That's quite a cover! Hope the Readathon is going well for you. (Waffles always makes things better!)

    1. Hehe, it really is! And aah thank you, I hope it is for you too!~


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