Friday, May 29, 2015

Friday Reads [#02]

Hullo, all! It's Friday again, which means the second Friday Reads that I have done on this blog. This week I completed a few books, that I do have opinions on, but overall I'd say it was a really good reading week! I finished The Winner's Crime, by Marie Rutkoski; Day 21 by Kass Morgan; and City of Glass by Cassandra Clare (this one I just finished yesterday).

That means I completed all of my checked out library books, and was ready for another haul. I ended up only checking out one book, since finals are coming up really fast, and I know I'll need to study more than read these next few weeks.

But, since I can't cut myself completely off of books, I did check out Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas. This is the second book in a predicted six books series (only three books + a prequel are out so far). I'm currently 142 pages in, whatever that tells you.

And... I'm really liking it! I have to admit I didn't expect to, since Throne of Glass (the first book) was something of a miss for me. I didn't like Celaena, I didn't like where the story was going, I didn't really like the book in general. But, with Crown of Midnight, I didn't like Celaena-- I love her!

I love Celaena, I love where the story is going, and so far, I love this book! I've heard a spoiler or two though, and I know I'm probably in for some heartbreak... but I'm going to try to brace myself for it ahead of time. Heh. That's cheating, I know.

As for non-bookish happenings this weekend, I'm currently supposed to be decorating a cake with my grandma. But, introvertism is causing me to take a little down time after school before launching myself into any more social activites.

*Two Hours Later*
...And I just got back from the cake-decorating affair. I made my own birthday cake, and we decorated it with icing flowers. You can tell which flowers were mine by the lopsidedness of them. (Hint: Mine is in the bottom left corner...) I had fun though and I definitely learned a lot! I fared much better than expected, too.

...Birthday cake, you say? That's right! My  birthday is tomorrow, and I get to go up to a huge bookstore (it takes up an entire block and then some), so expect a Birthday Book Haul in the near future! I have my eyes on buying Heir of Fire, personally...

After that, I'm not so sure what I'll be doing. Most likely, it will include homework and studying for finals. Fun times, I know. And on my birthday, I might be going to watch a play that my best friend is acting in. Other than that, it should be a pretty laid-back weekend.

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