Friday, October 23, 2015

Friday Reads [#08]

Happy Friday everybody!

It seems like it's been a long week. These past two weeks have been three-day weekends (aka four day school weeks) so getting back in the flow of things with a regular week again was difficult. I had to drag myself out of bed this morning. Three tests at school today didn't make things easier. But I made it! Whoo!

I completed my Goodreads challenge of reading 75 books this year, this past week. (I didn't read 75 books in week. Rather, I've read 75 books this year as of this week. I hope that clears up any confusion you may have had ;D). I read a couple of books, including Fairest by Marissa Meyer, which was very twisted and weird and I LOVED IT. It was grand, in a dark sort of way. Levana is definitely a complex villainess.

Currently, I'm getting into the Halloween spooky spirit by reading The Diviners by Libba Bray for the very first time! I've had this book for over a year now and I still haven't read it (The shame!). I've actually been specifically waiting for around this time because I had heard it was a good hide-under-your-covers book for when you need a good scare. I've also heard it's a good book in general.

I'm ~150 pages in, and loving it! It's set in the 1920's, and that is my absolute favorite time period to read about. I love the flappers, the jazz music, the speakeasies, the lingo... just everything about it is so fun to read about!

I have no big weekend plans, so mostly I'll be sitting inside and reading. Maybe hop to a couple of bookshops or go on a hike. I know the rest of my family is going to a football game tonight, so I might go along with them (though I don't understand football in the slightest)!

What is everyone else doing this weekend? What are you currently reading?

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