Saturday, April 23, 2016

Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon: Hour 18

So... I haven't read at all for the past three and a half hours. Oops? But now, I have another good 4-5 hours at least to finish my current read and hopefully start another one, which I'm looking forward to, whatever it is (haven't decided yet)!

I still haven't finished a book yet this Readathon, but I refuse to be deterred! I'm probably going to finish this later, or at least I hope I will, because I have less than 10 hours and I wanted to finish at least one book this Readathon.

Hour: Twenty minutes past Hour 18
Currently Reading:
The Forbidden Wish, by Jessica Khoury

Pages Read Since Last Update: 0
Total Pages Read: 286
Time Read Since Last Update: 0
Total Time Read: 4 hours, 13 minutes
Comments: Yeah, so instead of reading, I ate dinner of cheeseburgers and tater tots. Then I hung out with my friends, and we ended up having a short Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D marathon and eating brownies and ice cream - yum! I just got ready for bed though, refilled my water bottle, and I'm ready to finish up The Forbidden Wish, which I love so much, it might be on its way to being a five-star read for me! I just love everything about it and it's so suspenseful right now. Putting it down for that long was difficult, believe me.

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