Saturday, April 25, 2015

Dewey's 24-Hour Read-a-Thon: Hour 6

It's almost Hour 7, and I just finished my first book. Admittedly, it was one I had been reading beforehand, but the ending was so gripping and amazing! It had me hooked. I had my predictions about the ending, but wow, were they wrong. Crisis by Robin Cook is an awesome read if you like watching medical dramas or Judge Judy. It was a mash-up between the two, with a sprinkle of mystery and car chases thrown in.

Hour: A quarter till Hour 7.
Currently Reading: I'm about to move on to City of Bones
Pages Read Since Last Update: 73
Total Pages Read: 73
Time Read: Around one hour
Comments: I'm feeling pretty good so far, and I just really want to talk about the ending of Crisis with someone. I went out on a limb by reading it, but I'm glad I did.
Now, onto City of Bones!

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